Would you go to space for free ?
Like if you were choosed to do the Amazon trip to space, would you do it ?

Are you scared of space ? Do you think it's safe ?

It looks like a life changing experience imo that's huge, i'll accept 100%

What about you ?

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I wouldn't. Not out of fear or safety, but it just seems uninteresting to me. Sorta comparable to would you live on a deserted island for free almost

No, but mostly out of fear. Don't like roller-coasters or heights, and I'd rather the industry of commercial space flight be a little more tested before I hop in, but seeing the Earth below you and being completely weightless would be a genuinely unforgettable experience.

What's the percentage for fuckups now? If it's not 1% then no.

Honestly, no, it sounds terrifying, also astronauts train years for a reason

yes i think it will so awesome

Quote: What's the percentage for fuckups now? If it's not 1% then no.
That's only for manned Soviet craft and American false flags.

For free? Hell no

Space is cool and all but i think that if i went personally, i would be denying someone more qualified to take my place and they would probably be able to do more with the opportunity

Of course why not

Yes. Even if I die. Getting to experience space is way better than sex. Its something not many people do.


I think I’d try it, I’d have to look up like the failure rate and all that kind of stuff but if it was trusted for the most part I think I’d say yes

i wouldnt, im way too scared

It would be pretty cool but i am very afraid of space

probably not lmao id be way too scared

I want to say yes only because it's basically the last frontier to be explored beyond our oceans. It would seem rather interesting and thrilling as well as terrifying. However, if it was with those whom I care for rather than strangers than it would be easier to say yes

Definitely. It would be a amazing experience

six feet under seems great

yeah if my safety is somehow guaranteed