Would you let your partner be a pornstar
Would you let your partner(Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Husband/Wife) make an Onlyfans if they decided to become a pornstar.

I don't mind onlyfans. I'd be cool with it. As for becoming a pornstar, that's a bit iffy for me if we're already dating. But if she was already a pornstar before we met, like if she was my fav pornstar for instance, I'd date her lol

>Would you be ok with letting your partner be a porn star/sex worker and sharing them with others and then they come back to you sexually and physically exhausted every day?
No. No way. If you guys are together, then you belong to each other. I wouldn't share them with the rest of the world.

Ya, no problem with it. "Amateur" porn like onlyfans is easy to make these days, can be done from home and can be really profitable. The traditional porn industry is dying quick

As long as it’s amateur with just me and we make good money

If it's just an onlyfans where she shares stuff we do together sure

uh yeah, if i was the only one banging her. lmao

ain't no way i'm whoring out my s/o for some money. and if it's "her body, her choice", she can go be a whore with some other dude lapping at her snatch.

Dont think I could do it. Im the jealous type so having other look at my partner and/or isn't my thing.

No way. I’m not one for sharing

I would be ok with onlyfans but idk about being a full blown pornstar.

[+] 1 user Likes anonjay's post
Hell yes I would

I'd be in to it, spice up the life a bit lol

[+] 1 user Likes francxs's post
Not sure, maybe if they don't show their face

I would not like it. Too odd for me

fuck no its not respectable work and i prefer not to be digitally cucked