Would you pay to have sex with prostitute?
I want to know how people would answer to this question and your reason tbh. Personally I don't know. I have a certain criteria and if they pass it i might give it a go

I have a loving girl friend so I wouldn't. If I was single, I'd probably never actually do it, but it'd be a fantasy I guess

No, there's no point really. If you can't get it for free lol. just my opinion

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yeah good point tbh tbh tbh

why would you pay for sex?

maybe a pornstar as a fantasy fulfillment type of thing but not a prostitute
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i did pay for one while i was traveling abroad with my mates while drunk, horrible idea and way too risky. dont do it.

I don't think I would as it is kinda shady. I feel like most are exploited and abused by pimps. Something just wouldn't feel right if I did that.

Won’t lie, been tempted. However does feel wrong somehow so probably wouldn’t.

tbh no but......if it was my crush and i found out she was one im doing it lol, its odd i find people i know hotter than most famous people but that might just be me

It seems really risky as you don't know anything about the person, but I guess if you just want to get your nut then it's whatever.

Better get it for free