Would you rather
Would you rather meet yourself in the past or in the future? Why?

[+] 2 users Like PedoJoe's post
The past would be more beneficial I feel like. You can tell yourself to do this or avoid that, and give yourself the winning lottery numbers.

[+] 2 users Like ceratsiv's post
In the past, obviously. With knowledge of the future, i can be super rich

I would rather meet myself in the future to see if my path is the best one for me. If not i'd like to change it up before i become my future self.

Why not both?

Because both is not the truth!

If I could influence it at all definitely the past, so much you could do with future knowledge of even just what happens to yourself to change things hopefully for the better

Quote: Because both is not the truth!
Yes it is. Because all three (past present future) exist because of the choices made at that moment. Once one makes a different choice, the other two change. Time would update instantly.

Def in the future, i can see how I turned out

Can I change my present actions to alter my future self? Or will they all inevitably lead to what i saw

Probably future

future to create help for what not to do in the future

to past me, i'll probably give him advice for the future
 or to future me, i wanna know how i will be and either change my current life or embrace it

Future see if I’m not a virgin

past, share some hard-earned wisdom

youre a retard fam

Easy, past, so I could tell myself to buy BTC in 2010 lmao

future, to see if i became a failure or not

future self I'd say

past is definitely a smarter choice

Either one of them would be beneficial. I rather meet the past me however