Would you rather be the parent of a child who kills another child, or ...?
Couldn't fit it all in title, but would you rather be the parent of a child who kills another child or the parent of a child that was killed by another child?

Basically have a murderer kid or a murdered kid. For the sake of it, lets say the killing wasn't self defense or accident, but an inhumane and malicious one. If you had to pick between the two, which one and why? 

Personally, it'd be a hard choice for me, but after weighing both ends, I would lean towards having a murdered child. Because in that end, I could at least have peace of mind knowing that my kid did absolutely nothing wrong. Though I understand that sounds selfish since I'm essentially choosing a dead kid though. That's just my thoughts, what are yours? Which would you pick and why?

Both ways are a sign of bad parenting and obliviousness of seeing what’s happening to your child in society yea I really don’t like either it’s a tough decision cause I believe death isn’t the end but like if your kid is a murderer they are prob going to jail for a long time crazy tough question