Xbox or pc
Getting bored of some games atm, soo many to choose from... got a decent site to download some pre 2010 games from.. but can’t decide what to play.. thoughts ?

Any of the old Tomb Raiders...Metal Gear...I'd have to actually see what you have available to help lol

PC has better hardware and more games.

I know you can find halo ce on some websites. Me and my friends played it all the time in school

Yeah that guy is right halo ce is super fun, I used to play it in middle school too

Halo CE is a classic, and still has servers up and running with it. I believe they released it for free as well.

PC gives you more options for games and better hardware. Plus there's always mods

Sure! and PC multiplayer games are free !

Quote:I recently built my pc and I can honestly say I haven’t touched my xbox in over two months.
I recently built my pc and I can honestly say I haven’t touched my xbox in over two months.

i'd go with pc no question. better hardware and more games

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Put on some good ol skyrim

PC with good specs blows consoles out of the water

Same as what few people have been saying now that I built my PC I don't touch my Xbox