Yakuza Games
Yakuza 0 is one of my favorite games of this generation, and it’s amazing to get to see the series start to get some recognition. I can’t wait for like a dragon. Have you guys played yakuza? Which is your favorite?

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Yakuza 0 is really good, you'll like Kiwami 1 and Kiwami 2 even more

Only played 0. Really looking forward to play more though!

K1 was such a slog omg

i only played yakuza 0 right now and i'm not interested in yakuza like a dragon tbh cuz it's turnbased

The first time I played Yakuza was Yakuza 2 in the PlayStation 2 or 1?

Now with the kiwami release, able to play yakuza 0,kiwami and soon kiwami 2.

What a blast. I really love the way that the city is so fleshed out and alive. That is really one of the best things that Yakuza did. Their open-city concept is way way better than any open world