Year of 2020
How was your guys year this year? Was it awful cause the pandemic? Or did you have a brighter outlook. The pandemic has definitely made me think of life differently especially the small things like being able to go outside

I am from Germany. This Year was very hard for me. i have 3 Companys and i had to close one of them because we didnt earn Money. This Company started 1 Month before Corona. We had to much costs to kepp it so we sold all Machines and so on.

The next big point: My Father broke is leg and it was such a difficult break, that he cant do his job anymore. The Accident happened in February and his Leg isnt health since then.

All other Family Members including me are still good. My Cousin and his Wife had Corona but nothing special happened.

I lost 3 Friends this year, they Died but nobody because of Corona.

How was your Year?

I miss traveling so much... or just going to the bar every weekend. :'(

nothing really changed. which i guess is kinda sad...

I miss traveling too :-( and going to a Restaurant, Bar, Partying and so on

It really messed up my senior year of college but otherwise it’s been cool