You can live in any country tomorrow and why?
Which is your top place to live?

for sure hawaii, it jus seems like a vibe and always wanna be there i’m in cali rn

Without a doubt Mongolia. I love the terrain and wide open spaces that have remained relatively untouched. The difference from where I live now and there is night and day. It also seems pretty cheap to live there so I can probably just telecommute and live very comfortably.

honestly in the countryside of any mediterranean country

any Scandinavian country tbh, but probably Sweden. Great healthcare, jobs, pay, quality of life standard, amazing nature and it is not too fucking hot (I love the cold)

If it wasn't so racist, the South of the USA would be nice and cozy. But somewhere in the Alps wouldn't be too bad for remoteness either.

... is the correct answer

The social security in places like Denmark and Sweden also mean that you don't really have to worry about getting ill or falling on hard times as the state will step in to help out, which should be the way in modern social democratic countries.