You find out your closest friend is a serial killer, what do you do?
What would you do, in that case?

What are they a serial killer of, cereal?

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Eh. Move then report them.

[+] 1 user Likes Omega Samurai's post
freak out, and then get out of there?

Kill that bitch before she kills me

Call the cops

Maybe hire them? And I will ask for discount!

Sleep with one eye open.

Probably nothing. If they're my closest friend, then chances are that they won't kill me, because they're off killing others.

you kill them

come up with a crap list and drop some hints

Quote:Probably nothing. If they're my closest friend, then chances are that they won't kill me, because they're off killing others.

Enemies close, friends CLOSER.

>Enemies close, friends CLOSER.
I thought it was, "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"?

I call the cops

Arrow Any like will be much much appreciated guys. Cheers ! Sick

jokes on you i have no friends Sad

Feel betrayed and empty. Considering my actions and choices when with him. And whether or not to report him or not. Cause he’s your homie yknow

[+] 1 user Likes darlinted's post
Report their ass