You guys think is a good web browser?
i haven't tried it yet but i heard it's good for malicious sites or if you're just looking at porn and don't want any data or cookies being tracked, lemme know

I'm currently trying it out but the inability to change the new tab background color is a dealbreaker - once they fix that i may make it my main browser

[+] 2 users Like Dslg01's post
i was having memory leak issues with Chrome, so i now split my usage between Chrome and Brave. Google docs/gmail with Brave; everything else with Chrome. RAM still pretty high up there, though. It really is a Google Drive issue.

[+] 1 user Likes ballpark333's post
ive never heard of that maybe ill try check it out

[+] 1 user Likes kimmyboy23's post
Not really.... there are better about

Ive been using chrome for like the last 10 years and I dont plan on switching
I heard that brave is pretty good tho
They even pay you for using it which is kinda fishy but it seems to legit

It a decent privacy based browser. They use their own in house ads. Still a private company so not fully decentralized. Firefox with add ons is probably the best you will get

im still on opera chromium but i will try it soon as i bought a new PC

Heard that Brave is good and is a good alternative to Chrome

Google Chrome is The best in my opinion