You think are many "political influencers" in school?
I see many people today saying that in him college or school have a teacher that always ,are like trying to impose his political opinion to the students , i have a example that in my school have a teacher that many times start to tell about occupations and manifestations of marxism, and always try to convince the students to go.

Depends on the age group high school and lower you have people who aren’t affected by politics but using it a way to be cool in college eh youre all adults

Pretty much anywhere you go in the world to study has these teachers forcing their political views on students, and its almost always the same type of view.

Yeah. In public schools, it's the teachers that do the political influencing, and their word (and those of the administration) is usually considered to be as if from God. Hell, they do it in elementary school. One of my relatives got lied to in elementary school, and I had to correct some political lies his teacher told him.
In the universities, the professors do that. The difference is that the professor's word isn't as if it's from God, so much as that the professors believe that they are gods.

There are a few, however its often just sad to see since its more of a rant than opinion. They are not looking for a debate, but just to vent to a group of students. Nobody really reacts to those kinds of teachers since we're just there to learn