Your forever memory
What is a memory that will stick with you forever? For me, it would have to be eating the most delicious bowl of seared pork belly don in Japan.

That will be the day she said YES !!

[+] 1 user Likes JanVG's post
Learning to ride my bike for the first time. Of course.

Probably the first beer I ever had with my dad. I was about 14 I think. We were building a deck on the back of the house and as we're about to nail in the last piece he told me to grab "two" beers. I remember thinking damn, he busy be worn out if he wants two at once.

I get back with the beers and he opens the first one and hands it too me. I don't know why that moment meant so much but it did.

Throwing up my first Budweiser. I can still feel the vomit in my throat. Still a fucking intense memory.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Yes. No one forgets their first puke. Good times had by others just not the puker. Haha

First anal creampie....

>First anal creampie....
Please tell me that it was a female you gave it to...

That day where olichan held my hand.

The day i wrote my jamb exam

>That day where olichan held my hand.
Well, tbf, it was the only thing big enough for my hand to grab onto.

first time having sex (never)

The day when she said no

Quote:The day when she said no

Wouldn't be the first time though.

Drinking beer in a beach resort with my friends before we moved to different places or countries because of college education mainly but 2 went to different countries because of their family