best esports to watch?
now that there's no normal sports, what esports are you watching?

i like csgo and starcraft 1

csgo for sure. lots of high level teams playing online matches right now. valorant has also been entertaining

Counter Strike if you've never played any of the popular reports games. Pretty self explanatory and great observing

CSGO is good. I'm looking forward to when they make Valorant as an eSports granted it's basically CSGO, but with abilities. It's just entertaining to watch people play and pop off. I liked the RNG aspect of PUBG too. Shooters is just an entertaining genre for me I guess as evident by my choices lol.

I think Valorant isnt a fun game to watch tbh. Abilities and utilities will get too OP when pros will scrim etc.

Csgo for me. Been a fan of Ninjas in pyjamas for a longest time.

CSGO and League of Legends

Starcraft. Not a fan of Starcraft II.

I enjoyed watching OWL. Until everyone started leaving.

CSGO and Dota 2, those are the best

like starcraft1 & 2 warcraft 3

CSGO man of course