cant say no to pizza
So i have been trying to lose weight for the last year, figured it would be easy to avoid most of the usual temptations during the pandemic. however my room mate constatntly orders pizza from this amazing place and always leaves half and somehow i end up being talked into eating it. this happens four times a week.

do i kick the room mate out or should i just barricade myself in my room. because its obvious i have no self control haha

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Start off easy. Still spend time with your roommate chillin and eating but add your own veggies on top, don't eat as much crust and cut down on the dipping sauce.

thats a good idea, fill up on the veggies over the crust. just damn good pizza haha.

Naw its just change the toppings to something healthier

Put the slices in the freezer, pizza freezes well. Look up your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and start to count calories, look into MyFitnessPal, and don't cheat yourself, accurately count calories. Eating pizza isn't inherently bad, and eating a whole pizza isn't your problem, weight loss is a slow and gradual change and has to be a permanent lifestyle change. With calories in calories out (CICO) it's really up to you on how consistent you want be, your bigger hurdles would be staying consistent enough until your stomach shrinks where your portions are smaller naturally and you'll get less hunger pangs. Avoid eating just because you're bored, snack less, brush your teeth a few hours after meals, and stay consistent and you'll reach your goals.

I have downloaded the app, and have bought a mountain bike. ill be counting calories and setting up a home workout plan until the gyms around me have fully opened up. Thanks for looking out and the advice

You could start by eating less of the leftover pizza and then move on to baking your own pizza, but make more healthy variants. There are a lot healthy pizza recipes out there.

You have to convince your roomie to eat his own leftovers. But good luck with that.

If you think 4x a week is bad... I used to work at a pizza parlor, and I was poor. You ever had pizza 7x per week?

Pizza is the goat of food