covid vaccine moderna
I'm getting Moderna vaccine this week.
Has anyone finished the second vaccination?
I think it'll hurt because it's a muscle injection.

I got two shots of moderna. No side effects, just a slight pain in the arm for a day or two.

Arrow Any like will be much much appreciated guys. Cheers ! Sick

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Everyone reacts differently. Two of my friends have each received Moderna without any side effects outside of arm soreness.

Me? Well, I had a fever of 102F, chills, and achiness. 

Though do not let the prospect of side effects deter you! The coronavirus is not a trip you want to experience if you can help it.

i had a slight fever and arm soreness and thats about it

Good luck, anon, you'll need it.

1st shot slight pain in the muscle a couple of days after.
2nd shot got a fever and felt sick af the day after the shot but was fine the day after that.

I love how people are reporting flu-like symptoms after taking a "vaccine" that's supposed to prevent you from getting Covid, which is a type of flu.