disconnecting from social media
have any of you guys tried disconnecting from social media before? how did it go and what method did you use to stop yourself from going back to it?

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Yup and honestly its literally a break from all the toxicity going around... idk bout you but i feel like theres too much shit going around in social media platforms honestly and taking a break from it is totally worth it imo.

How did i manage to do it? Make myself busy with other things, holding only those that matter close to heart and simply just delete or deactivate all these accounts. Its difficult at first but after a while you get used to it and its refreshing! Try it!

Deleting Instagram was one of the best decisions I've made in the past year. I won't say that there was a lot of toxicity or anything like that, but looking back at the amount of time I spent mindlessly scrolling through the app makes me feel sick. I feel like once social media can't eat up as much of your time, you have the option to fill that gap with literally anything better. Watch a show, get a hobby, make a good dinner, just something that isn't social media.

To answer your second question, just delete your apps and try not to open it on your browsers. I want to say delete your accounts because that's what ended up working for me, but I realize not everyone really wants to do that much right off of the bat, so just start small. Also I agree with Zoomie, try to fill up your schedule so that you're not left looking for something to do.

I think it’s super helpful to disconnect from social media sometimes. It’s really addictive, and for me it sometimes makes me feel unhappy. When I get off of it and go on a detox, I become happier. And I think the best way to not go back on is to maintain and grow hobbies, as well you should distract yourself with something else