ex asking for me back after a bad break up
so a few months ago i split from my ex. we had been together five years and in that time we had both cheated once. not proud of it but it happened. we both forgave and moved on but in the last year things got very bad, she wouldnt trust me to go out with my mates, she would check my phone and emails ect. then in november i found close to 200 dick pics on her phone. these werent just grabbed off porn sites they were sent by guys to her. when confronted she said she and her friends have a bet at who can get the most dick pics and its not cheating as she doesnt do anything with the guys. i asked if she sent anything to them and she admitted to a few masturbation videos and topless pics to get them to send the dick pics. i exploded and we got into a big fight and i broke it off.

i started getting to know this woman online and we started to hit it off then she ghosted me. a week later and my ex has started emailing me saying how sorry she is and that we were as bad as each other for cheating ect.

should i forgive her as her friends have backed up that they did have a bet going on (weird i know) or should i leave well enough alone and stay in the shark infested waters of online dating?

[+] 1 user Likes FinalFantasyRulez's post
Honestly no. You should move on. You need to have some respect for yourself and not take that. You will find someone better although it may be difficult to get over at the start

above poster is right - forget about the ex and move on
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I know in my head that is what i should do, but we were together so long and i do love her, but ive been thinking do i want to take her back because i love her or because i am unsure about getting back into the dating world.

The only reason she says she wants to get back with you is because she's single and can't find her normal playthings, which she can only do when she has an official boyfriend.  She needs a boyfriend so she can act from a position of strength when dealing with other guys.  No offense mate, but you were just a stepping stool to her, so she could go after other dudes.  Do yourself a favor: tell her no, and block her on social media, email, and your phone.  You need freedom mate.

move on king u deserve better sounds like a fwb if anything lol

Yeah man, unless you want to keep worrying about her loyalty and faithfulness, then get back together. If not, then save your time and move on to try and find someone more honest

Nah bro, she ain't worth it, try to move on, im sure you'll find someone a lot better than her!

Question everyone is thinking. Did you share her? Wots the link Big Grin

Fuck that hoe bruh there are plenty of fish in the giant ocean of a world.

leave both her and online dating behind. go to the gym, work on yourself and a real woman will present herself to you in due time. if you she cheated on you once and you let her get away with it then she will do it again, if you bend the knee to her and she tell her friends that you are ok with that then they will spread it to their friends like wildfire

Thanks for all the advice and kind words. I have told her its over, blocked her from my socials and blocked her number.

I am going to stay single for a while, work on myslelf and know what i want from my next relationship and not settle for anything less.

Thanks again all for the input At

move on honestly it's not worth it

moving on sounds like the best bet.

glad you moved on. what does it say about a woman when they value men so little they have a competition with their friends to collect as many dick pics as they can. sure some guys will send those pics without reason but 200? she has to have encouraged at least a few. plenty of better people out there

Move on and dont do that is like you are going back to the old habits

HELL NO. She sent masturbation videos and nudes to multiple men all for a bet? She crazy

Depends on your views. I think it's kinda hot