favorite anime shows/movies?
i think your name (2016) directed by makoto shinkai is one of the best movies ever made. what are your favorites (hentai is fine too)?

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is one of the top classics.

As for hentai, Ikadaki Seikei is pretty good

Most of the stuff from trigger is good

I started with Dragon ball then hunterxhunter, Full Metal Alchemist And brotherhood,Fairy Tail, promissed neverland was good , attack on titan , black butler, Jojo full series

I really like Attack on Titan and Code Geass. I wish there was good Berserk anime.

just WAtch DARK Best time paradox story

Try "Put your hands up! Eizoken"

The legend of korra

Definitely "Samurai Champloo", a very good adult story, which mixes samurai with a hip hop sound in some moments, although it has a "not 100% good" ending is still an excellent anime.

It is worth checking out "Basilisk Kouga Ninpouchou" too!

key legit bangs (litte buster & ex, angel beats etc) satoshi kon (perfect blue, paranoia agent, paprika)

My favourite anime movie is Spirited away.