favorite recipe or meal?
I like sloppy joes with baked beans and coleslaw with a cold beer  in the summer.  There are a million other dishes but that is one that is on my mind right now

cant beat a burger, fries, and coke

I'm a black hole I'll eat anything

Cheesy chips, some steak sliced and cooked med/well topped with peppercorn sauce or curry sauce... yum

dicilio Wrote:Cheesy chips, some steak sliced and cooked med/well topped with peppercorn sauce or curry sauce... yum
curried steak?   first time I've heard that one.

Anything pasta related, so easy to cook and make, also tastes great

My favorite winter meal is Bat soup. Nothing warms you up quite like fresh bat wing.

Fried chicken with some sides Big Grin

Sometimes it’s always about experimenting... it’s basically like a philly cheese steak but more like Denver fries with curry sauce... so nice

I have a few on my list.
Gaeng Paneng and Gaeng Pedh are on top of my list. The spicier the better.
Sausage stroganoff is a swedish variant of beef stroganoff using the swedish sausage falukorv instead of beef and that's also amazing
Flying Jacob, also a swedish meal, is a gratin with chicken, chili sauce, banana and peanuts served with rice.