favourite disney movie
whats everyones favourite disney movie and why

Tarazan, phil collins is a legend and made an amazing soundtrack!

Definitely the OG lion king

beauty and the beast

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WALL-E, Up and Wreck-It Ralph.

The Lion King is my child hood movie amazing story

Aladdin, because it was the first Disney movie I saw as a kid. It really left an impression on me.

I used to Watch The Little Mermaid a lot growing up, had it on VHS as soon as it would finish I would rewind and watch it again. The Black Cauldron was also a great movie I would watch is on repeat as well, it was a “scary” movie for me.

lion king all the way

snowhite but the original one

Lion king, Mulan, for sure.

Dingo & Max ftw ! (nostalgia)

it's hard to beat a real classic like snow white

Sleepying Beauty. It's timeless.

lion king or nemo, CLASSIC

lion king no doubt

Toy Story for sure! Love how they represent all toys altogether


original lion king