generally speaking, hottest take?
could be about anything. movies, books, tv, government, whatever. just keep it in the rules of the site i guess

i really hate western comics these days, even though i grew up reading them. some series are pretty good i guess, but marvel and dc suck. people don't understand the characters anyone and only think they do because they saw a movie or a show or read one run or they have some kinda agenda they want that character to be the face of or they know somebody that works there already, and then for some reason they get hired and they write for the character, and then the character sucks. rinse and repeat over like 60 years and the characters dont mean anything anymore.

But what if that run was good? Are you suggesting that comics should only have one singular consistent style and can never be interpreted in any novel way ever? Wouldn't that become monotonous and eventually kill the character as ideas run out or they become irrelevant to the cultural context?

nah. plenty of characters have been improved because of new interpretations, like how spidermans way chiller now than he used to be. originally seemed like he had anger issues lol. but other times you get runs that think theyre doing something cool by making the character do things they dont normally do, like making them kill if they dont normally kill. thats just lazy writing to me. if you have one writer and one artist on a character their vision isnt ruined by someone later. i think that comic invincible was like that, hellboy too. also happens a lot in manga i guess. i just cant stand the establishment companies.

I think there are plenty of of benefits that come with having multiple writers and artists, for one it increases longevity and another it introduces a new audience to the intellectual property which might increase more appeal for the original. A negative of having a singular vision is that they too can change over time and prevent any other third party input would be as equally as detrimental in my opinion.

I believe prostitution should be legalized and taxed

governments inevitable grow to hurt their own citizens