getting fit from home?
hey guys because of the quarantine i cant go out and i wanted to ask whether you guys are doing some morning sports or anything? got any tips?

really sucks that gyms are closed - i'm having to jog more which i hate

I would suggest you to start basic routines of exercises between your daily tasks, somewhat like a challenge

Bodyweight exercises are good for building muscle if you're a beginner and for maintaining if you're more advanced. Doing single-leg/single-arm exercises is good for increasing difficulty when you don't have access to weights. Same is true for slow reps and statics holds in a contracted or stretched position (as long as you're under load, don't just take rests between reps).

just keep pumpin

I work from home and I work on a pomodoro timer. So between short breaks i'll throw in some exercise and it really adds up throughout the day

yeah im mostly doing push ups and pull ups

I did some plank, you can also google some indoor sports in youtube

A pull-up bar helps a lot


I just bought some weights and stuff in Amazon and started doing different routines

chair dips, squats, pushups, pull ups if u have a bar, sit ups. run. anything, just stop making excuses

gave up on fitness a long time ago hahaha

dumbells are a must. but you can get by with online workouts from youtube. just be consistent.

try hiit training @youtube

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dont neglect accessory work and core strength while you are at home. really helps out your main lifts

Arnold Schwarzenegger just posted an exercise routine on his reddit account consisting of exercises you can do indoors.

Just google it if you are interested.

running and bodyweight exercise at home

just using some weights ans doing pushups and stuff

The Governator's program is pretty good - check reddit