getting jabbed soon
have yall been jabbed?
how bad is the side effects?
btw for your info mine is astrazeneca, which i heard compared to the others has a bit more side effects...  Confused

You better hope you get one of the saline vaccines. If you get the actual experiment, you're probably gonna be fucked pretty hard. It's killing young people with heart attacks after the second dose. I went and looked up some shit on VAERS, and 15% or so of all covid19 vaccines included bad side effects. That's being underreported I'm sure, considering they're underreporting deaths from the jab. Good luck man, but I wouldn't take it if I were you.

Got Pfizer last month, so far everything has been going smoothly. I heard the 2nd dose can make you feel ill.

I know alot of people didn't want AZ because of the side effects, GL!

Dodge. Dat. Jab.

Come on, son.

Got Pfizer about a month ago, no noticable side effects except my arm hurt for like 2 days.

For the first shot, I only got a sore arm. Moderna.

Quote: Got Pfizer about a month ago, no noticable side effects except my arm hurt for like 2 days.
You might have gotten super lucky and gotten a saline shot for the vax. This is a massive medical experiment, so you're one of the lucky ones.

From what I've heard the most dangerous side effect from Astrazaneca (blood clotting) only or mainly effects women. Also the risk of it is very low.

Quote: From what I've heard the most dangerous side effect from Astrazaneca (blood clotting) only or mainly effects women. Also the risk of it is very low.
Apparently, TPTB removed something like 50,000 deaths from the VAERS reporting website, coming from the various jabs. Blood clots in young people (<21) are common. And the Israelis announced a study today that there is an excellent chance you'll get TTP, a very rare autoimmune disorder. The jab is worth it if you want to have an extremely slow and painful suicide.

Second Pfizer dose kinda made me nauseous and stuff, but otherwise been totally fine and COVID free!

I was meant to get vaccinated then actually caught corona so have to wait 60 days now.

Second Pfizer dose kinda made me nauseous and stuff, but otherwise been totally fine and COVID free!
So you did get the actual experiment. You poor bastard. I hope the 5G signals don't cause your whole body to produce spike proteins. That sounds like a painful death.

Got both moderna shots. My arm was sore after both and after the second I ran a low grade fever and had some body aches for maybe half a day, but I've been fine since

Sore arm, slight headache. took a nap. Was great!

I've had both Pfizers, sore arm for a couple of days but otherwise no symptoms

Had headache, fatigue and muscle pain for 3 days after AZ first shot.  Far less side effects after 2nd Moderna shot.

Nothing too hars really, just gonna be tired for a few days is all