harry potter
what is your favuorite harry potter movie and book?

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the prisoner of azkaban

Favorite book is Half Blood Prince. Favorite movie is Deathly Hollows part 2

I really like the first Harry Potter movie because of how much it shows the school life

Prisoner of Azkaban - haven't seen the movies!

Best book is Half Blood Prince.

Philosophers Stone is my fav

others opinions?

I've only read The order of the Phoenix, I remember Harry being mad the first half or so of the book.
My favorite movie is The goblet of fire

The first book was my favorite because it meant something new, a whole new perspective.

Best book : Half Blood Prince

Best film : The philosopher's stone (because I think it's the one where there's the least amount of cuts in the story compared to the book)

Such a tough question. They're all just as good as each other. The goblet of fire was quite good (and different) due to the change of director. The half blood prince was really good too. Must have watched Dumbledore's death scene 50+ times already. I mean, Harry Potter is my favourite all-time piece of entertainment and always will be!

the prisoner of azkaban. 100% this