how to help an internet friend who is not well or is depressed?
even with the distance barrier? how would you do? give me ideas please, thanks! Smile [Image: 37ef2d5547276749e9cff9cb1f0d54ad.jpg]

It can be tricky because you want to be supportive but not overbearing, and if it's a friend whom you have a normal report with you kind of don't want to act like something's off and treat them too differently. With a distance barrier it's usually just best to see if they want to talk about it. If they do, cool hear em out let them vent. If they don't, then just hang out and enjoy the time you have with them. Some people just find it easier to not be reminded of what's bothering them, and if that's how it is then have fun, enjoy each other's company, and let them use the interaction as an escape.
So yeah go chat them up with no particular reason and mind, and see if they wanna talk.

My best advice is to engage in an activity together, aka playing games (no other things you can do rlly), sometimes it is more about keeping them distracted then about reasoning and comforting, sometimes just spending time with them can help distract them from thoughts, this is of course on the assumption that you are already comforting/speaking to them. Among us is fire recently and it is a good choice. Personally my issue with a friend is that I do not get replies from them when I am asking for their wellbeing so to me spending mutual time together is important because you actually get to communicate and you can catch red flags from their speech especially if they weren't planning to say in the first place! Otherwise if it's a chore to you(no hate because not everyone is born with the capability to love more than themselves), I suggest breaking the friendship as half-heartedness is arguably worse. Cheers mate! Hope you're doing well too, when youre with them remember it is always about them, but dont forget to love yourself as well in case you get lost trying too hard to help, all the best Smile

What dante said. Ask them how they are, and let them know you're there for them. Then just hang out as normal. Make sure not to belittle them or dismiss what they're going through. Say stuff like "I can't (or can) say that I've been through what you're going through, but it sounds really difficult and I want you to know that I got your back"

I've had a situation like that as well. One way which helped my friend (we live in different parts of the world and never meet each other), was by starting to play games and talking on discord with each other. Soon, other friends of mine and his joined the discord server and started to play games and chat on a daily basis, giving him a meaning to life.

Chatting is what can really help someone. A person can't find him/herself without the people around you. What makes you isn't necessarily you. Your personality and feeling develop depending on those around you.

Don't rush, slowly start bringing people into your friends life, starting with you. If you are to bring more people into his life, make sure they are those type of people who's even willing to give their all to save someone.