i accidentally dated/ fucked one of my cousins
(NOTE everything here happens before i found out she was my cousin)
we were both 15 when we first meet i meet her from my other high school friend we kept talking every day for like 2 years before we started to go on a date and whatever it was fun time she enjoyed it i enjoyed it we went to dinner at some fancy restaurant we had some delicious food like i had steak and she had chicken then after that we went to a hill and stayed their laying down on the roof of my car for like 3 hours holding hands and etc.... 2 weeks go by and she tells me in person while walking to class my house 6pm lets hang out) so i get at her house at 6pm her house looks amazing she tells me to come upstairs and she said lets cuddle so we cuddled for like 5 hours and then she started to get horny and said lets fuck so we fuck for like 1h and after that we still cuddle and i tell her i gotta go it was an amazing and happy relationship 

(now hears the fucked up/funny part)

so after a 6 months (im 18 yrs old at the time now) go by she tells me i dont feel the spark in you anymore and we break up and like 1 month later my mom asks whats wrong you been sand and shit all month and i show her a picture of her (note she never came over to my house because she was always busy) to my mom and she tells me that was my 3rd cousin's daughter and i was in shock and i told my we dated and everything and she was surprised and concerned for me 

(here is what happened after i found out she was my cousin)

so i text my ex saying
"my mom told me cousins is this true?" and she was confused also saying "we are?!?!?" and i texted her back like i guess so and she was like "ew" and blocked my number and everything 

now whenever i see her at the family cookout every year it gets weird and awkward  we dont communicate anymore and im 23 years old living and vibing and for my cousin shes dating some raging alcoholic who manipulates her and abuses her

Sounds rough

*sweet home alabama intensifies*

lol you should tell her you miss her, prob kinda hot for you still a little

rough... though 3rd cousins are legal right? This just falls into the akward area cuz it's "family" but still not really blood... right? I Donno the whole 3rd 4th cousin things confuse me.

if you didn't know you didn't know?

Care to elaborate? Once? More than once? When did you find out? When did she find out?

Sucks man thats a tough one

That was very difficult to read and even more difficult to digest!  Undecided poor fella truth be told i probably have done so myself just never found out   Shy Shy

how come she started coming to family gatherings if she's never been before? That's rough buddy hope it works out

Sweet home alabama.

Dude, thats not really particularly related. In the small villages in rural UK, thats pretty normal. Everyone is everyone else's "cousin" to a degree. Shit, even the queen of the UK is married to a closer relation. I shouldnt worry about it much. Shame she went a bit crazy. Perhaps try and help her away from the abusive relationship if you feel the need but otherwise, mug it off and put it behind you.