is LUA worth learning?
I might have the opportunity to learn LUA from some resources-- is this a good language? I only know of one piece of hardware that I can use with it in my industry... has it been widely adopted at all?

lua is good. muy beno

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based thank you

I know for a fact the GMOD uses Lua for some it’s game modes and so does roblox. I’m not sure anybody outside gaming uses it though.

Just asking, what's LUA? I understand it may not be pertinent but I'm interested

btw, who's in your profile pic? kpop idol?

Lua is pretty cool. I would say it all just depends on what you want to do with it - just like pretty much any other language. I have a friend that uses it to make some game scripts and whatnot. He seems to enjoy it.

some game use lua like sandbox game roblox,gmod and some other game but but I don't know of any use outside of gaming and gmod 2 intends to change to c#

Many games and websites use LUA

so I'd say yes

Why you want to learn LUA?
If is to resolve a expecific problem ok, but if is to programming generaly softwares, just search another language and more employable to learn, like python or javascript

I think its mainly used in roblox coding

Lua is mainly used as a lightweight scripting language for games and in my experience it's growing to be used elsewhere like embedded UI development because you can link it with C/precompiled it as C. So I think it's growing in popularity but I wouldn't make it a top choice to learn. It's not super complex so if you need it at some point you can pick it up then