is buying terraria worth it?
Is starting terraria worth it?

Yes! One of the best games Ive ever played. You can also play it with friends, (up to 4 I think).



I don’t think it gets any updates anymore, but if it looks fun to you then go for it, it’s still a good game

yeah, it's great.  tons of content, now, too.  Plus it goes on sale pretty frequently.  I think the base $10 is super reasonable, but it also goes on sale pretty frequently, so you could keep an eye out if money's an issue.

Since the price is low and theres still poping up content with terraria on the webs I would say go for it

Yes, you will have infinite time, if you like create. If you don't like to creat something i don't thinks so

yes.. yes.. and another yes

still fun tbh id grab it!

Didn't know they were still making new content

i heard somewhere terraria 2 is gonna be a thing but hoenstly with all the mods/workshop content there is endless replay value for the game so if u wanna dump hours into somwthing terraria is good value

its kind of dated.  but its good for what it tries to be.

Yes, so worth it. 9/10 game and you can get multiple copies for somewhat cheap so you can share them with your buddies.