is having a kink ( or multiple ) better for a couple's sex life more than none ?
I found that having a sexual kinks actually make couple more creative and engage in sexual activity more, and the result is mostly enjoyment if done right. But I also found that some prefer it the traditional way, all naked, idk which of them are better ? Since traditional has its merit too.

My wife is very conservative. I can't have a kink. Either she is the world's best actress or I'm stuck in a boring sex marriage.

I think kinks spice things up mainly

I'm a fan of kinks myself, but if vanilla sex makes people happy, good for them.

vanilla gets kinda boring for a lot of people, kinks usually help with that tbh


Sex wont get boring, the downside is cumming too early

Yes i agree, it is good to have a kink. It can make you excited when needed.

du ma wut da fuq bạn thiếu tôn trọng văn hóa của chúng tôi

I think so. My wife and i have a few kinks we are into. makes it more exciting when we get the time