is it me or alien conspiracies seem to have become less popular
it feels like less and less curiosity surrounding aliens is occurring.

Yeah I think so too. When the government acknowledged a UFO recently no one really cared. I saw some YouTubers bring it up but it didn't get too much traction besides from their audience. I wonder why interest in aliens is lowering.

maybe with all the new conspiracies being released that are crazy.  Ive been thinking how ideas and group thinking works in trends.  and the mainstream media/ youtube/fb  algorithms plays a huge role in how we keep our focus
playing on the res articular activation system. (part of the brain that controls selective focus)

world's so crazy, don't even need to blame it on aliens

[+] 1 user Likes seventhveil7's post
Noticed this too... Wouldn't be surprised if 2020 was the year that alien "conspiracies" proved to be true though lol

[+] 1 user Likes schwarmabeat's post
Maybe ppl came to there senescence Smile Funny that there is no UFO sightings recorded before the first sci-fi movie was released (can´t remember what year it was). Then all of the sudden aliens started to abduct ppl.
Do they exist, yes i would be surprised if the didn't, Do the come here, i think not. And if they did why would they kidnap ppl, they are so more advanced than we are so they would surly have the tec just to scan

I think its because people aren't suprised about the existence of Aliens anymore. Its more of a "when" and not "if" conversation now. I believe some Governments have openly said that some UFO reports are far from conspiracy.

[+] 1 user Likes Sterling Malory Archer's post
Pedophile rings seem to be more interesting nowadays

Maybe. Other conspiracy theories taking up atention

[+] 1 user Likes 4leakedbb's post