is it weird if a girl likes doing stuff with your butt but won't let you go near hers
I don't really like people being near my butt but I wouldn't want to do it to other people, why do some people want to do stuff with other people's butts even if they won't let their partner anywhere near theirs

[+] 1 user Likes hey ho hi's post
sounds like dominating type

[+] 1 user Likes seventhveil7's post
ONahhhhh it’s fine mate honestly

Remember saying no is always okay, and if your partner doesn't respect your decision and you could say that shes not a keeper

[+] 1 user Likes tulalit's post
Probably a fan of femdom i’d say

[+] 1 user Likes Killersingh11's post
Ye that pretty weird

My gf is just like that lol

As an AA guy that mostly dates AA women (if I could venture out a little more I would but where I stay it is pretty segregated) a LOT of AA women are like this..idk if it is a shyt test all women do or if AA women just tend to be more dominant/aggressive but i've noticed the time this happens JUST SAY NO if you let her play with your pookie tute all respect with be lost LOL BS  Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

[+] 1 user Likes dark_king_silvers_r's post
thanks man I guess she can be into whatever she wants as long as we respect boundaries

I mean a lot of guys have the same issue. They want to stick it in womens' butts but not the let the girls play with their shit clit

My ex said that i´m only allowed to fuck her ass if i wear a Buttplug for 1 hour... afterwards she wanted more, but i refused... i think there are many girls who love to stick smt in their boys asses..

yeah bruh next thing you know ur gonna get pegged

If you let shorty rim you. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you fruity my nigga.

That’s pretty strange

Maybe she doesn't wash her bum as good as you. I know I floss my ass with washcloth. VERY CLEAN

That is pretty sus

she keeps trying to sneak her finger around there now, am I being a little bitch if I tell her to stop before she actually does anything?

I'd say just as weird with if you like doing stuff with a girl's butt but won't let her go near yours.