is the earth flat?
obviously not. there was a documentary following a group of flat earthers doing experiments to prove the earth is flat and they accidentally proved it was round

Lmao I don’t think it is but I’ve never seen it whole so maybe

Tbh maybe, ask china

Obviously not, it's at least a cube

Saw that doc. Was funny how the guy proved it was round but still didn't believe his own instrument

Is the mars flat?

Ofc it is r u stoopid

As flat as a sphere can be

Obviously not, it's a polyhedron

not unless you also think gravity is fake.

Sometimes i think it's not the earth that is the flat one Big Grin

No, no, no, no, no.

No Kyrie, Earth is round like a basketball

YES!!!!!!!!! I'm being sarcastic

No, it's dinosaur shaped