most simple programming language to get into?
i want to jump into coding but im not sure with what language to start

i heard that either lua or python are some of the more simpler languages to begin with and understand but if anyone has any recommendations or tips feel free to share

I started with python and c++. I think python is a good programming language to start with, its not the fastest but it has a simple syntax

I agree that python is a good starter language, you get a lot of the concepts and its widely usable and fairly simple to pick up. its not the fastest as stated, but you don't really need that speed until you start getting into really specific applications. definitely don't need the added performance of lower level languages when starting off learning

i think it will be Python or javascript.. these 2 languages really popular.. you can make apps, web, data science (machine learning etc) with python... javascript with a lots of cool library.. you can decide it later if you want to make a website (back-end / front end), apps etc after you understand it (or atleast have a basic of them)

Good luck with study your first language

Python is easier to use and easier to read but java is faster at runtime and easier to debug

I would say Python, it's really beginner-friendly.

Python the Hard Way is a fantastic book to learn.

RE: most simple programming language to get into?.

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