opinions on destiny 1 and destiny 2
i personally think they’re great games, they have so much to do and i always feel like i could play for days with no rest, but i would like to hear other people’s opinions on them

feel like destiny 1 was headed in the right direction and a cool concept but kinda got botched right before launch while destiny 2 was just garbage the whole time. very sad state bungie is in today. the games are p boring and mindless for the most part. the gunplay is alright for the most part i'd say but the games always just felt extremely bland to me even though im a fan of things like halo, diablo, phantasy star online, etc.

[+] 1 user Likes foolbrain's post
The first was a good experiment

I hear great things about the first, but apparently the 2nd had a horrible launch. I saw that it was free to play a little while back and decided to give it a go. I couldn't really get into it that much and it just felt boring to me.

the second was alright it’s fun but the story is meh it had potential both of them did but they didn’t live up to itSad

[+] 1 user Likes KÄPŠTÄR's post
Destiny 1 was an amazing game to play cooperatively as well as a pretty good story for single player users, destiny 2 was somewhat the same but the company’s decision on how they set up events and rewards just made the game too grindy for me to enjoy

[+] 1 user Likes Jay Gonzales's post
By far the biggest disappointment. Wish I never bought it.

the second was alright it’s fun but the story is bad imo

I was in high school when Destiny 1 came out and I really enjoyed it back then. However even just a few years later when destiny 2 came out I just wasn't that into Iono .

Destiny had some really cool premises and worldbuilding, but D1 flopped at actually using it. D2 started out even worse but w/o Activision I feel they've started to mold their stories the way they want to now. The gameplay loop is boring without friends but the gameplay is really good at making you feel like a god killing space warrior

Destiny peaked during the Crota dlc for D1. Overall though D1 was much better.

I enjoyed Destiny 1 before the Taken King since I could still get legendaries, exotics and have a normal/fun experience in the multiplayer. After Taken King though, I needed to buy the DLC to become level 40 and access the legendaries even the blue rare’s and multiplayer became frustrating to me since i was seriously underpowered so by then, I left Destiny 1 and moved on. Didn’t really bother with Destiny 2 but when it became free, I gave it a try and enjoyed but couldn’t really get into the free updates storyline since I needed silver, still though they were fun for me in the beginning before I dropped them.

[+] 1 user Likes BrownM3RK's post
Destiny 1 was a great game, only thing that was lacking was the single player.

destiny 1 was/is amazing. setup was perfect, storylines were good, easy to navigate. destiny 2 on the otherhand kinda sucks. setup is completly different, harder to navigate etc. they should have just kept releasing dlc for destiny 1 and kept the layout the same. imo

The gameplay lopo is boring without friends but the gameplay is really good at making you feel like a god killing space warrior.