quarantine hobbies
how many of you have picked up or are trying a new hobbie/skill, I've been doing knife throwing, interested to see what others are doing?

mostly just working - not time for new hobbies!

Far too much work

watching netflix, reading books, trying to be productive lol

I've been doing a lot of reading and also just watching random video tutorials on youtube lol

Lots and lots of Netflix

My hobby is sleeping

Favorite hobby: binging youtube

Getting back into gaming.

3d printing and pretty much D&D stuff

Been practicing skateboard.

sdoing push ups at home lmao

Who ISNT gaming

Never used to do jogging but now I love it haha

I've been working on personal development, right now I've been playing with network routers and trying to master it for work

Just plain gaming man.

I’ve been watching a lot of tv shows and movies, reading and doing some group video calls with my friends.

I've been doing more reading

movies and games

Shredding guitar until my hands fall off