thoughts on msg
It's like in a bunch of chips including doritos. Why do so many people seem to hate msg? If it's really that bad, why are people still eating it in snack foods

Most healthy food cooked properly are bland and tasteless. Cooking with MSG give the same food some flavor and taste.

MSG gives an aftertaste, making your tongue appears white and dry. It doesn't melt or dissolve in high heat, so the common belief was that MSG would stay and collect in your body for a long period.
But critics fail to point out that MSG dissolve naturally with water, so drink enough and MSG will be pissed away.

MSG is fine, it was hysteria over a false report.

Literally an unfounded report of some dude getting mad about Chinese people cooking with it. I have never seen a study that said MSG was remotely what people claim it to be. It makes things taste good, it's not a demon chemical that causes headaches lol