uncharted trilogy vs new tomb raider trilogy
Both series of games are really good. Both series have borrowed of each other greatly but each series tells a very different and specific story. one is about family and love, the other is about survival and finding your place in the world.

But which series is better as an overall trilogy.

Uncharted or Tomb raider?

( i know there are 4 uncharted games but its easier to focus on the trilogy to make it a fair comparisson haha)

I'd say Uncharted had a stronger story.

I agree with that, although i would say the story in the first tomb raider game is the stronger story than the first uncharted.

Thanks for the donation mate, i tried to message you directly but it wouldnt let me. i appreciate it At

Uncharted games were my favorite of these two. Enjoyed both, but uncharted felt like it provided a more quality experience overall

I would say the uncharted games, but who doesn't like Lara also.

Uncharted for me, its just so good and the story really captures you

Uncharted, no doubt

I liked both, but uncharted had an amazing level of quality. I was mind blown in the first few hours of uncharted 2.

Uncharted overall for me. Love to see how much ND has improved the cinematic scenes over the different sequels. Plus Nate is just too likeable as a character.