upgrade from ps4 to ps5 worth it?
Just wondering all your opinions on if its worth the upgrade, I game a decent amount but im just not sure if its worth the 400$ for the improvements. Are the graphics and gameplay that much better? Any and all input is appreciated.

For me the only thing that would make it worth upgrading are the games that’ll be ps5 exclusive or games with features that are exclusive to ps5

It’s worth it if you’re really interested to play of whatever ps5 exclusive games or other games with next-gen features that you wanted to take on with better graphics and higher fps to further enhance your gaming experience

Definitely worth it, speed wise if nothing else

It depends on what games you'll play on it, so it's good depending what you want.

It depends on what you want it for, the new tech in the console is nice and the adaptive feedback on the controllers is really cool. But what made the upgrade worth it for me is the ps5 exclusive games. So it's really up to why you're planning on upgrading imo