was Dark Souls overrated?
I like the game but it's been praised so much that people literally started making clones of it and it's a genre of its own now

curious if anybody feels like it gets given more  credit than it actually deserves

I think if people are trying to clone a game it’s definitely not overrated.

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Dark souls created a game style that has been copied a bunch so I don't think it can be consider overrated

being popular doesn't mean you can't be overrated so I don't see how that makes sense

i don't think its overrated. some people enjoy playing games that are more punishing / reward skillful play.

i've played through Nioh 2 and loved every bit of the combat system. I heard that its a souls like game so I was inclined to give dark souls a shot.

it´s not like my favorite games or anything but i can see why it has grown so much

You can't clone a game like that

Game is unique in many aspects,so i think that's why people love this game

Depends what you mean. As a series? Definitely no. It has introduced a new approach to game design that is challenging and rewarding
Do you refer to the first enrty to the DS series as overrated in comparison to others? Then maybe

I mean I think Demon's Souls did way more cool new things and I like Nioh a lot too, it just seems like Dark Souls gets way too much credit sometimes