what are some games that made you cry ?
my friend told me he cried playing a game recently so i thought about it and realized that i have never played a game that made me cry what are some good recomendations

[+] 1 user Likes Sansaj's post
Ghost of Tsushima, manly tears

[+] 1 user Likes MiniPessi's post
Unironically cyberpunk had it's moments - the people behind the music knocked it out of the park especially. Sad how the game turned out as a whole though

destiny 2, cayde's death was too much

I don't think a game has made me cry. But RDR made me really sad. It was a great snapshot of our nation back when we had freedom. We've come so far from that and it just makes me sad thinking about it.

Surprisingly Yakuza 0 it was such a fun game and the characters were so greatly written that at the end I crirdd

It would have to be the final fantasy series for me.

Meant to add, back in the ps1 days lol

Games dont really make me cry that much