what do you think bout Belle Delphine
i think she is going to create more sextapes in the future what do you think boiz??Smile Smile Smile

Would like to see some ofc

i thinks she is whatever

she knows how to get money from guys, hope she posts more

I think she is cute, lol..
finally she made porn video

It'll be cool to see more of her posts

God, I just hope she gets better at sex XD

[+] 1 user Likes hidaway's post
(unpopular opinion: ) She's overrated and has already hit the wall.
t. Pat Bateman

^ Basically my thoughts too, she just pushed it for all it's worth / got lucky Arrow

She could make some crazy money on it though!

I think she's hot, but I didn't love the videos she posted. But it's cool that she's posting that kind of content now, I can see it getting better as more videos come out.

She's a marketing genius in the e-thot world. Estimated to be making around £1,000,000 a month with her latest tapes raking in big cash i expect. I suspect she'll have her niche for a time then bail. I suspect there will bbe offers on the table from porn companies wanting to cash in on her but she already knows that she wants to keep her content to herself. If she invested in some decent production, she could spin a good bit more cash then retire from ethotery a rich woman.

[+] 1 user Likes Kurgan1980's post
I have seen her on Cold Ones. She seems to be really cool. ...and yeah of course she is pretty hot

Bro, she said she makes over a mil a month, she's actually unsane and very cute

She's pretty but not to the point im going to simp for her

Over rated, never understood the obsession with her theres so much better girls

She said in the Cold Ones Podcast that she would do actual porn if someone paid her 10 million. Who knows, someone might have paid her that much.

Extremely overrated

she's hot af and knows how to market herself, although now she's done porn she's peaked

Gives off the girl-next-door vibes I haven't seen since the late 90s.

Last person I saw to really give that look justice was Teen Topanga and that was a long time ago.
A long time.

if anyone knows someone else like that - please let me know.

Mediocre at best