what game was the biggest waist of your time/money
mine was destiny 1 got the special edition on release, thinking i got a season pass and thinking it was a fun game. i was sooo fucking wrong

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World of Warcraft, sad part about that is that I went back to it around 3 times knowing exactly how it would turn out. Everytime I get hyped by my friend to play it and end up not playing it after the first 3 days because of the tiring grind of the game.

[+] 1 user Likes magnitude6969's post
I know your pain. i played WoW and was soo depressed by the graphics, gameplay, and limitations. but the story is good though i try to keep up with it.

i pre-orderrd mass effect andromeda, and played like... 10 hours of the game... hate it from the bottom of my soul....

Dragonball FighterZ... I was a bit disappointed especially at full price

Fallout 76. Anyone who's played can tell you why it's a waste of money

Destiny, even though I bought it from a garage sale for a few bucks.

Black désert online. And i continue to play it. Sad

Imperator Rome by Paradox. That shit was one hell of a scam

I payed for rdr2 but my pc couldn't handle it