what is the toughest thing about lockdowns
for me its just food, i cant get my favorite food from the stalls yannow

For me its the lack of talking to people.

Im usually a bit of a loner and dont mind not speaking to people for days at a time... but that was when i had the option

Wondering why the Canucks and Brits don't finally tell their governments to fuck off and start taking freedom back. The Americans are at least ignoring the lockdown bullshit in the states where it's still officially enforced.

Staying home and depression

I agree that it's the food.

Only talking with people virtually… it's not the same! Feels forced sometimes

The crushing realisation that you werent putting things off because you didnt have the time, you are just lazy

Food for sure. I agree with you. Stall food are the best. And now it's kinda killing me

just the motivation to do anything really

Getting out of it. Now thay lockdown is easing its going to be a challenge getting back to the way things were

The cheese burgers