what languages do you know?
Pretty much the title. What languages do you know, generally how experienced are you? Considering the number of newbie threads I'm guessing there's not a whole lot of collective experience but maybe it's just lurking.

Myself, I know all the basic WebStuff decently enough, as well as PHP, Python, Go, and some C. Really enjoying Go lately though. Totally replaced Python for my use cases. I've had programs where the go compiler finished and executed the finished binary before the Python interpreter could even warm up for an equivalent program.

I know some python, web stuff, C, C++, and I've been wanting to learn Go but haven't gotten into it yet. My favorite, and the one I'm most experienced in is C++ and C. I'm moderately experienced right now; I'm not amazing, but I'm not a beginner either. And yeah, I kinda agree, I don't like python all that much, it's very bloated imo. It's great, it can do a lot, but it can get very messy very very fast.

Python is great for a *lot* of things. For most cases it's "fast enough" and it's easy to learn and has an incredibly wide ecosystem. Even for number crunching it's usually fast enough once you outsource all the actual heavy lifting to C, and even then it's got such wide support that you don't even need to do that yourself, it's handled transparently by numpy or torch or whatever other library. Python is a fantastic language for many things, definitely not trying to hate on it lol. It's just that Go, for me, has been more productive and suited my needs better.

Python is great for a lot of things, yeah! I only know a bit - most of my scripting knowledge comes from php webdev. I'd really like to get more into python, as well as bash scripting and Go.

I know some JS and basic CSS. I'm trying to learn python, but can't get my head around it.

the one and only pascal =))

Hey as long as you can wrap your head around any programming language and understand what the computer is asking from you, that's legit 90% of the battle. Shouldn't have too much trouble moving over to Python, I think conceptually JS and Python are fairly similar. Just JS is more C style while Python does its own thing, but even then the concepts (flow control, code blocks, functions, methods, properties, objects) are the same even if they're written differently. You got that stuff, you'll get Python pretty quick.

c, c++, c#, python, java, R, html, css, javascript, haskell a little bit ...
well, can't avoid chance to use them  Undecided

little bit of lua and java, but i suck

Python and R

Mostly java myself but over the years, I've pick up some php, python, c#, delphi and the standard web stuff that almost everyone picks up at some point

I know c++, c#, js, python, rust, r#

But languages are basically all the same, I'm pretty experiences

Only Python and Java, but I'm going to start learning C#

That's a good direction to move in. I think if you're a fan of Java there's good odds you'll really enjoy C#. From people who know both, I usually hear them describe Java as a clumsier, cruftier C#.

my first language was and then when we started programming in school, i started using python. there's not much that i don't already know about python now because i always stuck with it

Don't know any

i know C quite well, JS too, i started learning C# and JavA (bleah) in september.

I am going to list my languages probably from strongest to weakest
Maybe SQL as 5? Its alright did it for a class.