who else hates starting new shows because they might get cancelled??
I know by not watching it then that increases the chance it will be cancelled but I have been burned too many times

Hell yeah specially when you wait a year and end up hearing that there will be no upcoming season

Yeah can totally relate to this, nothing more annoying than binge watching something then hearing there is no renewal.

I usually start shows once they finished so I can binge and not have to deal with the breaks in between the episodes.

Cancel culture and shutting up people is what big corporations do nowdays. If you don't agree with them, you get cancel in the name od ''democracy''. Yes, I don't star watching new shows becayse of that.

Well most of the time I wait until there are atleast 2 or 3 seasons before watching. Still hate it when they are cancelled anyways. I'm looking at you Firefly Cry

Definitely a fear now. I used to watch some of the the Marvel shows on Netflix and they all got canceled early.

It’s the most horrible feeling

Yup it sucks... Between that and following a show for 6+ seasons just to have a bad ending are the main reasons I dont like stsrting new series' anymore. The Boys looks promising though...

That's always a worry, but don't think it should stop you