who is GREEV aka SM0ke_?
so , hello guys its a nice day to talk about  myself :p

my real name is ibrahim aka GREEV in game name.
am 17 years old from iraq living with my family, and am not fat.
i play cs go and some other boring  games :p , but cs go is in the lead.

obv am not cs 1.6 , source player but the only thing i like about thoose game releases is the hit boxes Smile
i play cs go since late 2016 and am MGE at the moment without cheating.

i like this game but the amount of cheaters increased in one time then i was like hating the game ,
 my friends was cheating and i ask them why they are cheating and simply they said : its fun to cheat Big Grin
so you know if you see someone doing something do like him to trigger him ( cheaters)  :1f61d:

so i started cheating in late 2017 and pasting , its like 3-4 months now Big Grin
am kind of good at pasting and learned some cpp functions.

i have good knowledge about HTML and CSS so i said why not cpp ? Smile 
i started pasting indigo and some trash cheats ( ayyware ) , but always indigo is my boy  :1f60d:
am learning cpp day by day but i don't have so much time really for it because of school.

i have teamspeak and discord : GREEV-DA K1nG!#2240

thanks for letting me posting this.