why is there so much hype around cyberpunk
i dont really keep up with new releases or announcements very much anymore. ive seen glimpses of the ads, and while theyre decent, i dont really get the hype and anticipation around cyberpunk?

For me, the reason I'm excited about Cyberpunk 2077 is how good CD Projekt Red did with the Witcher 3 and how its remained a very enjoyable game for years and how its graphics still don't look outdated or like its a 6-year-old game. Plus its a new setting for most of us, and the cyberpunk genre as cool as it is, is a fantasy genre I haven't been back to since 1988 and the game called Neuromancer, which was really cool with all its cyberpunk techno-future themes.

Being really into computers and all the hardware, the internet, (and some of the vices to be found online in the cyber world) and 5G etc,  it will be a really fun fantasy setting to get immersed in. Not to mention VR and how Virtual Reality was a concept that was spawned from the cyberpunk books that was just a science fiction fantasy; that a lot of us never dreamed we would live to see actually happen back in 1984. So in some ways, it's like we're living out some of the Cyberpunk reality in real-time.

I've always loved sword and sorcery books and RPGs, and futuristic outer space franchises like Mass Effect and Star Wars but this will be a whole new setting for fantasy games and there haven't been many mainstream projects that really delved into this genre. Since maybe BladeRunner or Tron although Minority Report and the Matrix etc were very cyberpunk-esque... But I like steampunk and think its a cool, fun, retro-hip, different kind of setting for games like Fable and so forth and cyberpunk takes steam-punk and flips it, using tech and concepts, that we're right on the cusp of actually having or that are the bleeding edge theoretical ideas where some of our tech can progress to in the near future.

Plus another big reason I'm pretty hyped is that this game is supposed to be one of our first full-fledged next-generation games built from the ground up around all our new and up-coming next-generation hardware and visual capabilities like ray-tracing and DLSS, 4k and HDR, etc. And Cd Projekt Re'ds not just a small company with a niche little game to fill some space on the shelves, this is a big triple AAA title that the company has invested very heavily in to feed them for the next half a decade, so if Witcher 3 was any indication of what they might be capable of, this game should be even better than Witcher 3 now that they are truly one of the big dogs as game studios go. The Witcher 3 ended up being a tv show the game became so universally beloved (which in my opinion brought a resurgence of attention to the books the game was based off). But besides gamers loving the Witcher 3 the reviews across the board gave it super high ratings where I think the consensus was generally that it was a masterpiece or at least game that you should try once in your life if you like video games. Where I still see reviewers and fans on Youtube make videos of revisiting the Witcher in 2020 or doing comparison videos with it and more recent Triple-AAA titles.

And since the Witcher 3 was the game I think where CD Projekt Red finally went from being a smaller studio hungrily on the rise to finally getting a big payday and some big money where instead of cutting corners and using programming genius tricks to stretch 15 cents into a dollar's worth of graphics or audio goodness now they actually have millions to do exactly whatever they want or need to do to make a superior game. So I know I went on foreverShy  but just thinking some of this through as I type and trying to coalesce some of the hype I've heard from the trailers and YouTubers into why I'm getting more and more excited for this game. Anyways hope this helps and might even get you a little more interested in the release of Cyberpunk 2077.

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because people cant stop sucking keanu reaves dick. I dont understand the hype myself tbh. People overhyped death stranding KNOWING it was going to be walking simulator.. so I dont buy into games with a celebrity backed behind it...well.... except the far cry series.

Because of the wait i guees and the way the endore the game espesiacly with keanu reeves being involved with the production of the game, it's like death strdraning situation i suppose

its supposed to be a classic genre done really well, and of course the studio behind it is has a solid reputation, so a lot of people are looking forward to it

I mean the game looks pretty dope, wouldn't mind giving it a try

Setting looks fun and cdpr arguably best gaming company

I am a 100% agree with you + they wanna see Keanu Reeves in the game  Big Grin

It is mostly because of its developer - CDPR, and how amazing job they did with Witcher 3 - adressing the issues, listening to the fans, publishing some DLCs for free, and when they did a paid DLC, it was well worth the price.

there are very few games in this setting, and makes it a pretty good company

it's probably because you can customize your penis lmao

The Keanu thing is funny and I don't mind the guy. Just being a fan of cyberpunk and enjoying previous CDPR games is why I've been looking forward to this for years.