would you pursue online classes this year or wait it out?
if you were given the chance to choose,
stay on your track and pursue school online, despite the fact that its not that effective... or would you rather wait it out till you can get the worth of education through traditional means...

considering the feeling of being left behind and having nothing to do at home, i half-heartedly went to school even though online learning sucks

Online classes are not the same at all, I would wait until it gets back to normal
I am trying to keep my mind active and see some online courses but thats about it, its not like I am getting the best knowledge watching videos or a weird zoom call

[+] 2 users Like darkpt69's post
Truth is, most kids can’t accord a gap year. Among the kids that can, most don’t want them.

[+] 1 user Likes Jwolf4's post
I decided not to wait and I am already taking classes at an online college. I figured even if it’s not as effective I would at least be learning something

[+] 1 user Likes melmomelmo's post
Unfortunately no choice, can't really afford to wait a year Sad

[+] 1 user Likes kaykayu's post
Waiting a year is a bad choice in this situation, the world won't wait because of pandemic, you will bump out one year, the other person will spend this year learning. In long run who will come up on top ?

depends on your situation. Certain online colleges can make it easier to work and still have some free time, some cater to your schedule.

[+] 1 user Likes Roudyguy's post
Depends what your alternative is. If you are just going to be sitting around home or working a min wage job, take online classes. If you are going to volunteer or have a cool internship, that is probably more valuable and will look nice on your resume. But, just sitting at home waiting for next year is not going to impress any employer.

Online education is the way to go. Easy time usually. Go at your own pace. It's chill

Definitely wait it out because taking online classes isn’t for everyone. I feel like you don’t learn as well with remote learning compared to in person classes.

definitely depends on situation, both financially and mentally. sucks if people have to struggle with paying for classes while every part of their life is affected by this pandemic. if manageable, grind it out.

Depends on the travel time to the uni

Maybe switch to a cheap online college

I don't envy those in college courses right now. Sure you can easily cheat on your tests or whatever but you're taking away the college experience if you're not able to be there in person for classes, social events, etc. If I were still in college, I'd probably switch to a cheaper school or see if I could get internships/work and wait until campuses reopen fully.

I can't imagine going into debt for an all-online semester. Online can be fine for certain courses but there aren't many degrees at all where you can convey all the right info through curated reading lists.

I'm too bored at home and need my mind stimulated I'd definitely go for online classes just to keep sane. And who knows when we will return to normal living

I would its cheeper without housing

Sure, online classes may not be as great as in-person courses but they're still a lot better than sitting at home and not making any progress whatsoever!  Supplement your online learning with other resources and practice on your own, build the discipline, and make even more progress than your peers who aren't putting in the same amount of effort!  Go be extraordinary Big Grin

Prefer to do a gap but I really wouldn’t help me in the future.

Depends on your situation.  Taking online classes is probably better than wasting a year not doing anything though