x5 Express VPN
99$ Yearly plan (some have CC linked)
[*] [email protected]:Business.83 - EOYNMTPFNNFGCL2DDZNZE3F
[*] [email protected]:Welkom05 - E8UZCOMIF0GIKGVUYXMSWJK
[*] [email protected]:19191919lL! - ERRUDYS2SWAVGNDKPMOAQHM

12$ Monthly plan (some have CC linked)
[*] [email protected]:350mercG - EBF4GGDDHRHPMTBVP9LSZFJ
[*] [email protected]:!8H7s1018 - EKM4XJBMEIUOSDUTSUOWWM8

[*] Alive
[*] Dead

Note: Don't be THAT guy and try to change the passwords, that just means nobody will be able to enjoy this Smile
Also: I will update if I manage to get more